Very useful for all upcoming Exams - English helping verb

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⚡️ helping verbs

   �� to be: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been

    These are used in progressive tenses and passive voice verbs.

        I am writing this sentence.
        This sentence was written.

    to have: have, has, had

    These are used in perfect tenses.

        I have read many, many books.

    to do: do, does, did, done

    These are emphatic verbs. They don't change tense. They just emphasize the main verb.

        I do know your uncle.

    conditionals (also called modal auxiliaries): could, should, would, can, shall, will, may, might, must

    These express possibility, obligation, permission, ability, necessity, and intention.

        I could play basketball. (It is a possibility that I will be able to.)
        I should play basketball. (I have an obligation to do it.)
        I would play basketball. (It is a possibility under certain conditions.)
        I can play basketball. (I am able to do it.)
        I shall play basketball. (used more in British English for first person instead of will [I shall, you will].)
        I will play basketall. (It is my intention in the future.)
        I may play basketball. (I have permission to do it, or it is a possibility.)
        I might play basketball. (It is a possibility.)
        I must play basketball. (It is a necessity.)

    Are you coming to my party?
    You are coming to my party.

Approved List of Helping Verbs
to be to have to do Conditionals

been have
having do
done could

Part 1

1.Tomorrow we will be playing soccer.

2.You should have cleaned your room.

3.Sam did do the dishes.

4.Should you be eating that much candy?

5.Early scientists must have wondered about the strange animals at the bottom of the ocean.

6.A car must have driven here on the beach.

7.St. Augustine, Florida would have been a hot place to live in the 1600s.

8.Have you been doing your homework?

9.That satellite rocket should have launched by now.

10.My four canaries could have flown away.

Part 2

11.You should have been practicing your free throws before the last game.

12.We might be seeing the pyramids on our trip to Egypt.

13.That picture may have been cut out of a medieval manuscript.

14.That crash must have been caused by texting while driving.

15.We will not be shopping at the mall on Black Friday.

16.Can you help me find my lost keys?

17.We would have been here on time if Sam hadn't broken his ankle.

18.My aunt and uncle will soon be visiting us for the summer.

19.In 2013 Hannukah and Thanksgiving were celebrated on the same day.

20. I am sure you did do your homework, but where is it?

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